Brings you happiness!
Could it be the sparkling sunshine, the occasional refreshing shower, the gentle breeze or the tender loving care that we devote to our cuttings? Whatever the reason, Sundaville® will add summer to your life! As the name suggests, Sundaville® conjures up that special summer feeling: happy, care-free, innocent times, enjoying hot days and sultry evenings in the garden, on the patio or the balcony.
Sundaville® is an uncomplicated, unassuming and undemanding plant that brings you summer every day. So, it’s not just a pretty face: Sundaville® will make you smile. Maybe that’s why consumers love Sundaville® so much. In any case, it’s why we, the Sundaville® team, want to share the Sundaville® experience with everyone. That’s why we say: Sundaville® brings you happiness!

6 reasons why Sundaville® is
Simply the best
You have probably heard the brand name Sundaville® being mistakenly used as the general name for the mandevilla. And even though every Sundaville® is a mandevilla, certainly not ever mandevilla is a Sundaville®. You might wonder: does that really matter? Well, yes! Sundaville’s have some unique attributes that makes them superior in quality to those of any other mandevilla brand.

How it all started
In 2003 MNP / Suntory released a real revolution in the horticultural industry with Sundaville® Red, the first truly red mandevilla, which has excellent branching and rich flowering. Sundaville® is a very strong plant for outdoor use in tubs and baskets. This mandevilla needs very little water and gives an exuberant flower show all through the summer. It’s also a very low-maintenance, user-friendly plant for everyone! Many have tried and are still trying but none have managed to copy the appearance and perfect qualities of Sundaville®. We are very proud of our achievements and since there can only be one true Sundaville®, we have produced a certificate of authenticity. Always buy the one and only Sundaville®, the no.1 mandevilla (dipladenia) on the market. Sundaville® varieties provide you with an extended flowering season and require very little maintenance.
Sundaville®, mandevilla or dipladenia?
Contrary to what you sometimes read on (gardening) blogs, in magazines or on the websites of retailers. Below the true story in short. For the long version click here!

When you think about Sundaville®, you think of the shining sun, happiness and freedom. You feel the warmth on your skin as you stroll through the streets of atmospheric old Ibiza city in your white linen clothes. That’s the feeling you’ll experience with Sundaville®.
The brand fits well with what the plant radiates, it sounds cheerful and warm. That’s Sundaville®! In addition, the playfulness of the plant can be seen in the playful letters in the logo that differ in height.
The appearance of the Sundaville® brand is designed around the bohemian style. Dream, discover the world, enjoy nature and everything it gives you. Decorate yourself with cheerful clothing and bright and colourful flowers, the Sundaville®. Life is a party!
When you think of the bohemian style, you quickly think of Ibiza, hippies, dream catchers, lots of colour and the feeling of freedom. These aspects are reflected in all graphic elements and images that we use for Sundaville®. To ensure the high standards of the brand, we only add new plants to the Sundaville® collection when they have the same qualities and match the bohemian style as the other varieties.