
# Small is beautiful


A collection of compact and early flowering plants for the smallest pot sizes.

Sundaville® plant

# The originals


Strong plants with endless colorful flowers and at least as many possibilities.


# Easy growing


Imagine mandevillas (dipladenias) that are very easy to grow and even easier to maintain. Wow!

Sundaville® plant

# World's first


Behold plant geeks, the world’s first real double-blooming mandevillas are here.


The Sundaville® Beauty range is a range of perfectly branched mandevilla varieties, which produce beautifully large flowers and can be grown in 10 – 13 cm pots and hanging baskets. Profit from this strong garden performer with its renowned brand. The Sundaville® Beauty range has two types of varieties: early bloomers and later bloomers. You can cover the entire spring and summer market with our Sundaville® varieties. Sundaville® Beauty stands for a lovely colour range, attractive due to its strong quality and a beautifully floriferous sight, fun marketing concept and low licensee fee. They grow more vigorous than the classic series.


The Sundaville® Grand range is a series of mandevilla hybrids with exceptionally large flowers. Because of its tropical appeal, floriforousness and water economy, consumers can enjoy the varieties of the Sundaville® Grand range throughout the summer with a minimum of work. The Sundaville® Grand varieties can be grown on a trellis, in hanging baskets and in 12 cm pots. They are also very suitable for use in landscaping projects.


Fashion… The new Sundaville® Fashion collection consists of super early flowering and compact growing mandevilla which are perfectly suited for small pots eg 9/10.5 or 12 cm that can be grown with or without a support. They are easy to propagate and to grow. And also ideal for growers due to the short production time, therefore a high rate of return is achieved.


Up… The Up series has elegant 7 cm star shaped flowers and long and thin oval leaves. It blooms very early, has good branching and a strong upward growth habit. Up’s are suitable for 12 cm pots with minimal support. Its branches can be trained in a spiral through plant supports when grown in bigger pots. This variety is a real food lover and therefore requires slightly more feeding.


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